私たちが生きるこの空間は日々誰かのちょっとした行為によって更新し、持続していく。 そうした絶え間の無い街への関わりの密度が、街に独特の風合いと活気を生み出す。
「SUJIN MAINTENANCE CLUB(崇仁メンテナンスクラブ)」は、京都私立芸術大学の移転が計画されている街「崇仁」の中で、 打ち捨てられたように存在しているオブジェ(ひび割れたコンクリート、破壊されたコーン)、また失われた会話や賑わいといった人々の振る舞いを対象としたメンテナンスを試みる。
そして「メンテナンス」という行為が持つポジティブ/ ネガティブな側面について思考を巡らしてみたい。

The spaces in which we live continue to be sustained while being constantly renewed by the various little acts carried out by different people.
The density of these ceaseless interactions with the city gives rise to its unique textures and vigor.
In the SUUJIN MAINTENANCE CLUB project, we will attempt to conduct maintenance on seemingly abandoned objects (cracked concrete, broken traffic cones, etc.) and on the lost behaviors of people (their interactions and liveliness) in Kyoto’s Suujin district, which is currently undergoing gentrification.
The act of maintenance is not about restoring things by simply returning them to their former states; rather, it is about imagining their past and creating the time ahead of them in which they will continue to be sustained.
In doing this, we seek to consider the positive and negative aspects of the act of maintenance.
In carrying out the project, we will collaborate with a variety of people and explore ways of conducting maintenance based on the methods that they employ in their daily creative activities. Additionally, we will document these methods and disclose them to the public.
By doing so, we aim to compile an archive of maintenance methods so that they can be shared.

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